Bench Series: October

Here on WordPress, I came across a photo challenge by the blog Travel Words. The author says that they favor taking pictures of benches, and I agreed that benches are indeed interesting. Anybody can access a bench, whether it be high or low income humans, animals, or it can be a temporary place to puts things. The theme the authored assigned to October is any bench with somebody or something sitting on it. You can find more details about the challenge on the Travel Words blog. This is my first photo challenge post ever, but here is my take on it:

These two photos were taken at 未名湖 (literally ‘No Name’ Lake) at Peking University in Beijing, China.

It was another very smog-free day in Beijing, and they do not come around often at all, but when they do come, you really have to take advantage of them. I either play sports, ride my bike to new places, or take photographs.

Here is a link to my post that contains the other photos (not involving benches) of this day at 未名湖.


2 thoughts on “Bench Series: October

  1. I think your bench photos are perfect for this month’s theme and thank you for joining in, it is nice to see benches in China and I particularly like the setting of your second bench. I hope you are enjoying your time in Beijing it must be very different to home. Joining in with the challenges on WordPress is a great way to meet up bloggers in the community. Maybe have a go at the weekly WP one (comes out every Friday) as lots of people take part in that.
    Jude xx


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